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75 total results found

Connect linux to AD

Linux tools

First you need to install some lib sudo apt install sssd-ad sssd-tools realmd adcli krb5-user version kerberos → 5 et ne pas remplir le reste seulement cliquer sur “OK” puis redémarrer le package Run la commande suivante pour voir si l’AD est joignable sudo r...


Linux tools

Install nala: sudo apt update && sudo apt install nala Install a package with nala: sudo nala install <package> -y Display nala history: sudo nala history Delete an history entry to revert it: sudo nala history undo <history-id>


Linux tools

Installation rudder server wget --quiet -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/rudder_apt_key.gpg "" echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rudder.list echo "machi...


Linux tools

Ansible installation Log in where you want to make your ansible server then run this commands: sudo apt update && sudo apt install nala sudo nala install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible sudo nala install an...

.ssh/config file

Linux documentation

vim /home/$USER/.ssh/config Host <name> Hostname <ip> User <user> Port <PORT> IdentityFile /home/<USER>/.ssh/id_ecdsa ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 ssh-copy-id -i /home/$USER/.ssh/id_ecdsa $SSH_USER@$IP

Extend disk with vsphere

Linux documentation

Add disk space to the vm on vsphere first then run: fdisk –l Enter then follow the instruction bellow to format the newly space added: [root@ubuntu ~]# fdisk /dev/sda Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide...

Exclude package from update

Linux documentation

To Exclude apt-mark hold <package> To unexclude apt-mark unhold <package> To list on hold package dpkg --get-selections | grep "hold"



Segmentation: machine vlan nom vlan user 10 ADMIN proxmox 20 SRV omv 20 SRV vpn 20 SRV

Ansible commands


Ansible with inventory file ansible-playbook -K -i 00_inventory.yml <inventory_group> 01_playbooks/<playbook> K => ask for sudo password i => inventory file <inventory_group> => inventory group Ansible with rudder inventory plugins ansible-playbook -K -i ru...

Rudder-agent playbooks

Playbooks Rudder playbooks

For the rudder-agent playbook you will need to modify the 2 files in vars folder with your informations secret.yml rudder_user: rudderapiuser rudder_user_password: rudderapiuserpassword vars.yml root_server: IP

Rudder inventory plugins for Ansible

Playbooks Rudder playbooks

For the rudder invetory plugins you will need to modify the rudder.ini in ansible root folder with your informations rudder.ini token = <token readonly generated> uri = https://<ip srv root rudder>/rudder/api

MDATP playbook


For the MDATP playbook you need to get your .zip archives and place it in the tasks folder with mdatp_onboard.json DO NOT RENAME THE .zip ARCHIVES

MFA playbook


For the MFA playbook you will need to modify the vars file in vars folder with your informations vars.yml user_remote: username user_remote_grp: user_group

MOTD playbook


For the MOTD playbook you will need to modify the template jinja in template folder with your informations where there is xxxxxxxxxxxxx. 01-custom.j2 ********************************************************************** ** xxxxxxxxxxxx...

Formation Ethical Hacking


Module 01 : Introduction Ethical Hacking Mitre ATTACK : CVE : CVSS calculator : Cap'n Crunch (John Draper) : La loi Lop...

Project overview


Overview CTHULHU is a package a package containing a ransomware and a C2. The ransomware is devloped in Rust and the C2 in nodeJS and ReactJS. How to deploy the C2 git clone the repo cd CTHULHU/C2/ docker-compose up -d restart backend container

Debugger and Sandbox Detection

CTHULHU Ransomware

This code provides functions to detect the presence of a debugger or a sandbox environment. It includes the following functions: is_debugger_detected() -> bool Checks if a debugger is detected. Returns: true if a debugger is present; otherwise, false. is_sandb...

Docker Container Setup

CTHULHU Infrastructure

The API is designed to run inside a Docker container. The container includes the necessary dependencies and configurations for the API to function properly. The Docker container is built using the provided Dockerfile. Dockerfile FROM node:20-alpine LABEL main...



Database Schema Documentation Table: agent This table stores information about agents. Column Name Data Type Description agentID int(255) Unique identifier for each agent. ip varchar(20) IP address of the agent. host varchar(50) Host name of the age...



Agent View In this page you can see all the agents that are connected to the C2.