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Database Schema Documentation

Table: agent

This table stores information about agents.

Column NameData TypeDescription
agentIDint(255)Unique identifier for each agent.
ipvarchar(20)IP address of the agent.
hostvarchar(50)Host name of the agent.
versionOSvarchar(30)Version of the operating system.
hookUservarchar(50)User associated with the agent.
hookDatetimestampDate and time of the agent's hook.
privKeyTEXTPrivate key of the agent.
pubKeyTEXTPublic key of the agent.
pathToDatavarchar(255)Path to agent's data.
countrychar(50)Country of the agent.
totalFilesSendint(255)Total number of files sent by the agent.
totalFilesEncryptint(255)Total number of files encrypted by the agent.
PRIMARY KEYagentIDPrimary key of the table.

Table: roles

This table stores different roles in the system.

Column NameData TypeDescription
role_idintUnique identifier for each role.
role_namevarchar(191)Name of the role.
PRIMARY KEYrole_idPrimary key of the table.

Table: users

This table stores user information.

Column NameData TypeDescription
user_idintUnique identifier for each user.
user_firstnamevarchar(191)First name of the user.
user_lastnamevarchar(191)Last name of the user.
user_namevarchar(191)Username of the user.
user_emailvarchar(191)Email address of the user.
user_passwordvarchar(191)Password of the user.
user_tokenvarchar(191)Token associated with the user (optional).
role_idintForeign key referencing the role_id in roles table.
PRIMARY KEYuser_idPrimary key of the table.
users_user_email_key(unique)Unique constraint on user_email column.
users_role_id_key(index)Index on role_id column.
users_role_id_fkey(foreign key)Foreign key constraint referencing role_id in roles table.