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Code Documentation

Function Description

The code snippet defines a function named encrypt_decrypt_external_disks with the following signature:

pub fn encrypt_decrypt_external_disks(private_public_key: String, user_id: String, is_encryption: u8)


  • private_public_key (String): A string representing the private/public key used for encryption/decryption.
  • user_id (String): A string representing the user ID.
  • is_encryption (u8): An unsigned 8-bit integer representing the operation mode. It determines whether encryption or decryption should be performed.

Function Logic

The encrypt_decrypt_external_disks function performs encryption or decryption on external disks using the provided private/public key. It iterates over the available disks, excluding the "C:\" disk, and calls the multi_threaded_encrypt_decrypt_files function to perform encryption or decryption on the files within each disk.

The function uses the get_disks function from the crate::system::info module to obtain a list of available disks. For each disk (excluding the system disk "C:\"), it calls the multi_threaded_encrypt_decrypt_files function, passing the disk path, private/public key, user ID, and operation mode as arguments.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how you can use the encrypt_decrypt_external_disks function:

fn main() {
    let private_public_key = "your_private_public_key".to_string();
    let user_id = "your_user_id".to_string();
    let is_encryption = 1; // 1 for encryption, 0 for decryption

    encrypt_decrypt_external_disks(private_public_key, user_id, is_encryption);

In the example above, the function is called with the appropriate arguments to perform encryption on external disks using the provided private/public key and user ID.

Make sure to replace "your_private_public_key" and "your_user_id" with the actual values you want to use.


The encrypt_decrypt_external_disks function allows you to perform encryption or decryption on external disks using a provided private/public key. By calling this function with the necessary arguments, you can apply encryption or decryption operations to the files within external disks, excluding the system disk. Use the provided example and adjust the arguments as needed for your specific use case.