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RSA Key Pair Generation and Storage

For each agent created, the API generates an RSA key pair consisting of a public key and a private key. The key pair is generated using a modulus length of 4096 bits. The generated keys are stored in the MySQL database along with other agent information.

Key Generation Process

When a new agent is created, the API performs the following steps to generate the RSA key pair:

  1. Generates an RSA key pair using the crypto.generateKeyPairSync method with the following options:
    • Algorithm: RSA
    • Modulus Length: 4096 bits
    • Public Key Encoding: PKCS#1 format in PEM encoding
    • Private Key Encoding: PKCS#1 format in PEM encoding
  2. The generated public key and private key are converted to string representations.
  3. The public key string is stored in the pubKey field of the agent's record in the MySQL database.
  4. The private key string is stored in the privKey field of the agent's record in the MySQL database.


When a new agent is created, the API generates an RSA key pair. Let's assume the key generation process produces the following keys:

  • Public Key:

    -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
  • Private Key:

    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

The generated keys are then stored in the agent's record in the MySQL database.