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Shadow copy deletion

This code provides a function to delete shadow copies using the vssadmin command.


Deletes shadow copies using the vssadmin command.

Command Execution

The function executes the following command using the Command module:

    .args(&["/C", "vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet"])
    .expect("Failed to execute command");

The command executed is cmd /C vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet, which invokes the vssadmin tool with the delete shadows /all /quiet arguments. The /all option deletes all existing shadow copies, and the /quiet option suppresses confirmation prompts.

Command Output

The function captures the output of the executed command. The output contains the following information:

  • stdout: Captures the standard output of the command.
  • stderr: Captures the error output of the command.
  • status: Represents the exit status of the command.

Status Check

The function checks the exit status of the command execution using output.status. If the command execution was successful, the exit status will indicate success.

  • If output.status.success() returns true, the function prints "Shadow copies deleted successfully".
  • If output.status.success() returns false, the function prints "Failed to delete shadow copies".

Note: The actual output captured from the vssadmin command is not used in this code, but it can be accessed from the stdout and stderr fields of the output struct if needed.