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  • 1 linux server
  • docker-compose installed on the server
  • cloudflare account
  • a reverse proxy (nginx here)
  • a domain name

Stack deployement

Login to your server (or here portainer) and deploy the stack for ntfy with the docker-compose file given

then use your internet browser to connect to the ntfy instance http://ip:port

when you are on the GUI click on Subscribe to topic to create a new one or join an existing one. If you create a new one it will appear on top under All notificactions.

Wide access

To make it work every where you know need to link it with your domain:

  • First create an entry on your DNS provider (here cloudflare)

  • After that add the link to your reverse proxy (here nginx)

Send push notification

To send notification that very simple you can test it by running the command curl -d "message"<topic>

It can be combine with other command too like that result=$(nmap -S ip) | curl -d $result<topic>