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Github command & tricks

add file to stage git add <file> add commit git commit -m ['msg'] push commit git push pull...

Updated 6 months ago by Makito

Get linux aliases

Github command & tricks

git clone https://github_pat_11AILJEXA0tMkkchkTmBMF_4okMG3msiNZuN6Z5PKljIXGKkyQsUaaEx3B4jsWvvLTYB...

Updated 6 months ago by Makito

Create token to manage private repo with cli

Github command & tricks

Go to this url: create a new token Select Only se...

Updated 6 months ago by Makito



Users You can securise your topic and ntfy instance by only allowing connected users. For that fo...

Updated 6 months ago by Makito

Docker compose


version: '3' services: ntfy: image: binwiederhier/ntfy restart: unless-stopped envi...

Updated 6 months ago by Makito


Linux tools

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bashtop-monitor/bashtop sudo apt update sudo apt install bashtop

Updated 6 months ago by Makito

Install SteamCMD


Requirements Linux Server (ubuntu 22.04 LTS) Installation First you need to create an user that...

Updated 7 months ago by Makito



Updated 7 months ago by Makito

Create a Palworld server


Requirement Linux server (ubuntu 22.04 LTS) memory: 32 GB vCPU: 6 cores 4 sockets storage: 100 ...

Updated 7 months ago by Makito

Server Maintenance


Backups Backups are very important, especially if you're running a private server. See this guide...

Updated 7 months ago by Makito

Palworld Server Configuration


Requirement Linux server (ubuntu 22.04 LTS) Palworld dedicated server installed Configuration F...

Updated 7 months ago by Makito

Connect linux to AD

Linux tools

First you need to install some lib sudo apt install sssd-ad sssd-tools realmd adcli krb5-user ve...

Updated 10 months ago by Makito


Linux tools


Updated 10 months ago by Makito

Extend / partition

Linux documentation

FOR UBUNTU To extend the size of / partition just follow the commands below: sudo vgdisplay sudo ...

Updated 10 months ago by Makito

What is requeter for ?

Budget Back-end

requeter.ts is where we put all the prisma request that we call in our function / API, the are 2 ...

Updated 10 months ago by Makito

How server work

Budget Back-end

All route for the API are in server.ts, if you want to add new route add it here in the right sec...

Updated 10 months ago by Makito

Illumio VEN

Linux tools

retrieve the CA-root on the ansible srv connect to the ansible srv and execute the following co...

Updated 10 months ago by Makito

Project overview


Overview CTHULHU is a package a package containing a ransomware and a C2. The ransomware is devlo...

Updated 1 year ago by Makito

Exclude package from update

Linux documentation

To Exclude apt-mark hold <package> To unexclude apt-mark unhold <package> To list on hold packa...

Updated 1 year ago by Makito

.ssh/config file

Linux documentation

vim /home/$USER/.ssh/config Host <name> Hostname <ip> User <user> Port <PORT> IdentityFil...

Updated 1 year ago by Makito